Spatial Data Infrastructure

The GT-IDE ESPOL Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group is focused on the three-dimensional experimental construction survey of buildings with their respective characteristics, in order to analyze the interrelation between space and its occupants. It will also provide a tool for the planning of schedules and geospatial location through online services or mobile applications. In the first stage work is being done on the lifting of the engineering nucleus of Campus Prosperina ESPOL.


Development of mobile applications to obtain information on natural threats and exposure of the population for visualization in the SDI.
Contribute to the advance in research and development in IDES through the integration of information in real time, semantic enrichment, improvement of the usability of the platform, and innovations in the presentation and exploitation of information.

Financed by: CEDIA

Budget: $11,400.00

Status: En ejecución (Avance 80%)


Ing. Pindo Macas Juan Carlos (Director - FICT)
MsC. Loayza Toro Glenda Cecilia (FICT)
Ing. Basantes Espinoza Claudia Nataly (FICT)
Ing. Suarez Cruz Sergio Gustavo (FICT)
Ing. Estupiñán Chaw Guillermo Alfonso (FICT)


- Nuevos métodos y tecnologías para fortalecer la participación ciudadana en caso de alertas tempranas, potenciando IDE Red CEDIA.
- Grupo de trabajo en infraestructura de datos espaciales (GT-IDE)